Free MASTERClass

Ty Bennett.

The Million Dollar


The 7-figure Method For Getting Booked & 

Re-booked as a Keynote Speaker.

Learn how to take your speaking business to the next level

from award winning speaker Ty Bennett. In this free training, Ty breaks down his formula for building powerful speeches that inspire others to action. Ty has personally used this formula to write three different speeches that have earned him over a million dollars each.

  • ​Learn key methods the top 1% of speakers use for finding & securing highly paid speaking opportunities.

  • ​​​Learn how to develop your speech to make the greatest impact on your audience; even if you don't have a life-changing story.

  • Learn how to deliver relevant content that will get you invited back to speak.

Thursday June 6th, 2024 6:00pm-7:00pm MDT

Free MASTERClass

Ty Bennett

The Million Dollar


The 7-figure Method For Getting Booked & Re-booked as

a Keynote Speaker.

Learn how to take your speaking business to the next level

from award winning speaker Ty Bennett. In this free training, Ty breaks down his formula for building powerful speeches that inspire others to action. Ty has personally used this formula to write three different speeches that have earned him over a million dollars each.

  • ​Learn key methods the top 1% of speakers use for finding & securing highly paid speaking opportunities.

  • ​​​Learn how to develop your speech to make the greatest impact on your audience; even if you don't have a life-changing story.

  • Learn how to deliver relevant content that will get you invited back to speak.

Monday May 13th, 2024 6:00pm-7:00pm MDT




With live and virtual events on the rise, this year is the best time to grow your career as a speaker. In this free masterclass, Ty Bennett will show you the inside of a 7-figure career as a keynote speaker and how to model it for yourself.

Learn the key methods of the top 1% of speakers for finding & securing highly paid speaking opportunities.

​​​Learn how to develop your speech to make the greatest impact on your audience; even if you don't have a life-changing story.

Learn how to deliver relevant content that will get you invited back to speak.

Here's what you're going to learn in this 


Whether you're brand new or you're a veteran within the speaking industry, you’re hoping to turn your message & passion into a speaking business. You know that your message can positively impact the lives of others. 

However, you may have run into some roadblocks along the way. You may have struggled finding paid speaking opportunities. You may have felt lost trying to get your speaking business off the ground.

If this is how you feel, I hear you. But I'm also here to tell you that your thriving career as a speaker is not far away. 

I will show you how to make it happen. 

In this free training, I will show you how you can overcome some of the most difficult roadblocks you face as a speaker today. I will show you what goes into a 7-figure speaking business and how you can replicate it in your own career.

I've made made millions from paid speaking engagements throughout my career. I'm not saying this to brag, but to show you that I am relevant in keynote speaking today. There is no guesswork here; I will show you my methods and tools to get booked and rebooked constantly. I will show you how you can make an impact on other's lives and get highly paid to do so. 

- Ty Bennett.


Ty Bennett
Virtual Event Speaker, Keynote Speaker & Trainer, Author, Coach, Podcast Host at Leadership Inc.

Ty is the founder of Leadership Inc., a speaking and training company with a mission to empower individuals and organizations to challenge their status quo, cultivate exceptional relationships, and compete in extraordinary ways. He’s changing lives– one leader at a time.

At 21, Ty and his brother built a direct sales business to over $20 million in annual revenues.

He developed a system and organization that would help over 500 sales managers fine-tune their sales and leadership skills in over 37 countries.

-- He was featured as one of the Top 40 Under 40.

-- He was dubbed one of the 10 Coolest Entrepreneurs in Utah.

-- He’s the author of three best-selling books.

-- He has traversed the world speaking to tens of thousands of audience members transforming the lives, careers, and business practices of leaders from some of the most recognizable brands in the world such as: Delta Airlines, Subway, Home Depot, Coca-Cola and RE/MAX.

-- Ty’s best-selling books – Partnership is the New Leadership, The Power of Influence: Increase Your Income and Personal Impact and The Power of Storytelling: The Art of Influential Communication – are used in graduate courses at multiple universities including MIT, as today’s version of “How to Win Friends and Influence People.”

-- He’s one of the youngest speakers ever to receive the CSP Designation from the National Association of Speakers – less than 5% of the world’s speakers earn this honor.

--He’s a husband and a father and he’s PASSIONATE about helping leaders cultivate the relevance and influence they need to challenge old ways and open new doors.

This FREE advance training is limited so act now!

Copyright 2024 Relevant Speaker.
